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 Our proud association with Bunderra, Boolaroo

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After being closed in 2003 Pasminco Cockle Creek Smelter and Incitec Fertiliser sites in Boolaroo have been undergoing intense remediation to allow future developments on the site. Positive Survey Solutions (PSS) has been involved since May 2011 in the construction of a cell containing the contaminated material and associated earthworks, drainage and treatment facilities on site as well as providing significant assistance for Planning and Statutory Consultation.

Bunderra Land Development Site EOI

by Colliers

Remediation Survey
Remediation of the former Pasminco site - Boolaroo


PSS has been involved in the construction of a cell containing the contaminated material and associated earthworks, drainage and treatment facilities on site. This work has involved numerous large surveys undertaken to calculate the volume of material movements, progressive volumes calculations of materials still to be remediated and assistance in the design for increasing the capacity the contaminate cell.


Approximate Cell dimensions

  • fill volume ~ 2.2M m3

  • overall footprint of cell  ~ 200 000 m2

  • RL @ toe varies from ~ 10m to 26.8m

  • RL @ top of cell ~ 42.25m

  • perimeter of cell @ toe drain in 1675m

  • final FL model to RL at leechate average 20m


Lake Macquarie council received a request to rezone the land allocated for the containment cell on the fertiliser site to that of residential use. Recently the matter returned to the council where the councillors voted for the amendment unanimously and have advised to sign off so that residential development of the site can proceed.

On-site construction surveys
  • setout and conformance surveys for bulk earthworks

  • 3d model creation/verification from original files/plans

  • prepare files for machine guidance

  • drainage layout modelling & setout

  • as-built & conformance surveys

  • volumetric surveys

  • volumetric calculations of design for forecasting

  • modelling/design of amended cell profile and/or drainage

  • general guidance on survey requirements and how they affect construction

  • engineering setout for road / subdivision construction

Planning and Statutory Consultation


Along with construction activities PSS has been heavily involved in proposed subdivision designs, rezoning applications and all cadastral requirements pertaining to the site.


Additionally, Positive Survey Solutions’ Registered Surveyors have provided significant assistance for Planning and Statutory Consultation including:

  • Cadastral boundary redetermination of disjointed survey areas that had not previously been interconnected

  • Lot layout of numerous 100-200 lot plans to meet mixed use town planning guidelines

  • Final terrain modelling contours & other site constraints to clients’ requirements.

Bunnings Warehouse construction Boolaroo - Drayton Group


PSS carried out all Survey requirements from footings, columns, pre-fabricated concrete panels to car park and drainage for the Bunnings Warehouse building and associated infrastructure.

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