work health and safety
Safety is at the forefront of PSS business operations. Our Work, Health and Safety (WHS) policies and procedures aim to provide a safe and injury free environment.
PSS has a legal obligation and a personal conviction to continually ensure all its employees, clients and general public are provided with a healthy and safe working environment where PSS are carrying out business.
PSS treats every client’s project as a unique activity. Our safety procedures allow our teams to work in conjunction with external site safety systems to ensure all safety risks are detected in the designated work area and each identified risk is controlled effectively.
PSS prides itself on maintaining its current injury and illness free record as we believe that Workers Health and Safety is essential for the continual growth and longevity of our successful company.
With all staff having extensive and varied experience PSS is also acutely aware of the need to approach all tasks from a safety first position. From large road construction projects to working in railway corridors or surveying on country roads, PSS has experience in formulating and following safe working methods that address all the hazards identified in a particular work site. We support these safe work methods with applicable training including railway awareness, confined space and first aid.
environmental policy
PSS recognise we have a moral and social responsibility to provide professional services that ensures environmental protection and sustainability of the earth’s environment.
Commitment to environmental protection and sustainability is embedded in the general everyday business operations of PSS. PSS will incorporate current industry best practice procedures for ecological sustainable developments into their client’s projects.
PSS has a commitment to its employees, clients and the wider community to minimise the impact its business operations has on the environment. PSS Environmental commitments to minimise these impacts are:
Comply with all applicable environmental legislation, statutory obligations, regulations, policies and other requirements that are necessary in the general running of everyday business operations of PSS
Promote an environmental sustainable culture and awareness with all PSS employees
Provide ongoing training to PSS employees to improve their skills and knowledge of environmental issues and practices
Liaise with community groups, industry and government agencies on environmental issues
Evaluate our environmental performance through monitoring, reporting, reviewing and auditing to continually improve the policies effectiveness and currency
Prevent to the best of our ability all forms of pollution and associated hazards from occurring
As a multi-disciplined company PSS deals with a wide and diverse range of clients being involved in small to large scale projects. All PSS equipment is insured, and as is required under legislation, calibrated and tested to ensure they are in a safe, accurate and good working order.
PSS as a company holds the following insurances:
Public Liability
Professional Indemnity
Workers compensation as required by law in NSW
Further to the above we also insure the following:
All PSS company vehicles are comprehensively insured and comply with all safety regulations
All PSS equipment is insured and as is required under legislation tested to ensure they are in a safe and good working order