Shannon Wilson.;
B. Surv.; M.I.S. (NSW);
Director & Registered Surveyor
M: 0400 721 268
Shannon has been involved in the Surveying profession for over 20 years, gaining his registration as a surveyor in 2004. Shannon is highly valued in the company for his experience in engineering surveying anshannon_wilsond large scale cadastral infrastructure projects. Shannon is a member of the Institute of Surveyors NSW (M.I.S). Listed below are some of the major projects he has been heavily involved with:
Sydney Olympic Park - Multi Use Arena - Sydney Super Dome - construction and operation of the indoor sports and entertainment centre, maximum capacity 22000 spectators - Public Domain Car Park Homebush Bay, Multi Storey Car Park 3500 spaces - Quality Assurance Project Value - $280M
Newcastle (NSW) to Roma (QLD) Gas Pipeline - Boundary definition of proposed pipeline which included defining old portion plans, old stock routes, Crown land and small to large electricity easements
Large rural subdivisions - includes defining the status of crown land and road reserves
Seahampton to Branxton Freeway - Boundary definition of proposed freeway which involved defining old portion plans, Crown land and small to large electricity easements
SH 10 Pacific Highway Coolongolook to Wang Wauk Upgrading, Quality Assurance Project $40.6M - Upgrading works for approximately 11.5kms including earthworks and drainage, bridges, flexible and rigid plain concrete pavement. Constructed under staged traffic management and exacting environmental standards