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Shannon Wilson.;

B. Surv.; M.I.S. (NSW);

Director & Registered Surveyor

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M: 0400 721 268


Shannon has been involved in the Surveying profession for over 20 years, gaining his registration as a surveyor in 2004. Shannon is highly valued in the company for his experience in engineering surveying anshannon_wilsond large scale cadastral infrastructure projects. Shannon is a member of the Institute of Surveyors NSW (M.I.S). Listed below are some of the major projects he has been heavily involved with:


  • Sydney Olympic Park - Multi Use Arena - Sydney Super Dome - construction and operation of the indoor sports and entertainment centre, maximum capacity 22000 spectators - Public Domain Car Park Homebush Bay, Multi Storey Car Park 3500 spaces - Quality Assurance Project Value - $280M

  • Newcastle (NSW) to Roma (QLD) Gas Pipeline - Boundary definition of proposed pipeline which included defining old portion plans, old stock routes, Crown land and small to large electricity easements

  • Large rural subdivisions - includes defining the status of crown land and road reserves

  • Seahampton to Branxton Freeway - Boundary definition of proposed freeway which involved defining old portion plans, Crown land and small to large electricity easements

  • SH 10 Pacific Highway Coolongolook to Wang Wauk Upgrading, Quality Assurance Project $40.6M - Upgrading works for approximately 11.5kms including earthworks and drainage, bridges, flexible and rigid plain concrete pavement. Constructed under staged traffic management and exacting environmental standards


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